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<h2 style="text-align:center;color: #115172;"> <strong><a class="link_u" href="https://businesscanada.ca/nuans">Business Name Search, Reservation & Records</a></strong></h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">Business Alberta Online is a registered member of Corporations Canada. You can obtain federal and all provincial name searches, NUANS report and corporate records and documents through us. We are proud to offer One Business Day rush service. We also offer incorporation services and business registration services for all provinces in Canada.</p>
<img src="NUANS Search" alt="NUANS" style="display:none;">
<a href="https://incorppro.ca/name-reports" rel=”nofollow” style="display:none;">Incorporating Within Two Business Hours</a>
<p style="display:none;">It's a very simple form, guides you step by step and takes 10-15 minutes to complete. you can get stuck in any step, our Agency has live chat and call support. Our lawyers & specialists review all orders before starting Professional Corporation Alberta Tax, Professional Corporation Alberta Tax, cheapest incorporation services.
Incorp Pro is an agent of Business in Canada. When you pay us to obtain the Online services for businesses on be half of you, we first do Register for Set up Canada Revenue Agency.
If the name gets conflict or high chance of being rejected, will advise you to submit new names. That would be free of cost.
However, once a name is submitted to government, a re-submission of new name will cost again fees for benefits of professional corporation Canada, Incorporate professional corporation Canada,benefits of professional corporation Canada, free nuans search Alberta, free nuans search Alberta, free nuans search Alberta, free nuans search Alberta</p>
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<h3 style="color:white"><a class="link_u2" href="https://businesscanada.ca/product/nuans-search"><strong>
Nuans Reports ($50)</strong></a>
<div style="text-align:left;padding:4px;line-height: 1.5;">
<p >
Receive in email in 2 business hours<br>
For Alberta, federal and other provinces
<strong>Applications:</strong> <br>
✓To incorporate a business or non-profit<br>
✓To register a sole propreitorship <br>
✓To register a partnership <br>
✓To register a trade name or DBA <br>
✓To change the name of a corporation
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<a href="https://businesscanada.ca/product/nuans-search"><button type="button" class="custom_btn_incorp" style="color:white">Order Now</button></a>
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<h3 style="color:white"><a class="link_u2" href="https://businesscanada.ca/product/name-pre-search"><strong>
Name Pre-Search ($30)</strong></a>
<div style="text-align:left;padding:4px;line-height: 1.5;">
Receive in email in 2 business hours<br>
For Alberta, federal and other provinces
<strong>Applications:</strong> <br>
✓Check a name before reserving it <br>
✓Choose a name free from conflicts<br>
✓Find other close by names<br>
✓Check validity of a corporation's name<br>
✓Check if anyone else using your name
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<a href="https://businesscanada.ca/product/name-pre-search"><button type="button" class="custom_btn_incorp" style="color:white">Order Now</button></a>
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<h3 style="color:white"><a class="link_u2" href="https://businesscanada.ca/documents"><strong>
Corporate Documents & Records</strong></a>
<div style="text-align:left;padding:4px;line-height: 1.5;">
1 Day Rush Service Available<br>
For Alberta, federal and other provinces
<strong>Applications:</strong> <br>
✓Certificate & Article (Duplicate Copy)<br>
✓Corporation's Profile Records<br>
✓Corporation's Certificate of Status<br>
✓Records of Unincorporated Business<br>
✓Receive Fast in Email
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<a href="https://businesscanada.ca/documents"><button type="button" class="custom_btn_incorp" style="color:white">Order Now</button></a>
<h2 style="text-align:center;color:#115172;"> <strong><a href="#">
Nuans Report, Name Pre-Search and Trademark Report</a></strong></h2><hr>
<p style="text-align:justify;">
Nuans report is the pre-requisite of name pre-approval for certain jurisdictions such as Alberta, Federal, Ontario, New Brunswick and Prince Edwards Island. A name pre-approval is considered after Nuans report is submitted to these jurisdictions. On the other hand, other jurisdictions such as BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Yukon and Northwest Territories, provide a name pre-approval. Therefore, it can be concluded, a name pre-approval is kind of guarantee that you gonna get the name if you utilize it before the expiry date; while a Nuans report does not give guarantee of name pre-approval, rather it is a proposed name and reserved by you for 90 days in order to consider for name pre-approval purpose. This also implies that if any other proposals comes on the name after your proposal, within these 90 days, your proposal will be considered first.</p><hr>
<h2 style="text-align:center;color:#115172;"> <strong><a href="#">Frequently Asked Questions on NUANS</a></strong></h2><hr>
<p style="text-align:justify;">
<strong>What is a NUANS Report?</strong><br>
NUANS Reports are used to determine the availability of a corporate/business name. In order for you to register or incorporate your business, a NUANS Report is required by the Federal & most provincial governments.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">
<strong>How long a Nuans report valid for?</strong><br>
It is valid for 90 days. If the 90-day period has ended, you must order a new Nuans report to submit.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">
<strong>What is a Name Pre-Search?</strong><br>
Name pre-search is a kind of name pre-checking process before obtaining a Nuans report. Pre-searches save you time and money by eliminating proposed names with exact matches before you pay for a Nuans report. Let’s explain a bit more. A Nuans report having exact conflict or partially conflict with an existing name, won’t work. In such case, again a new report required with an alternative name. This process will continue until you get a successful name that is free from conflict. The process costs money and time. To avoid this problem, government has introduced the pre-search system in the name database. Therefore, we may conclude that, conducting a pre-search determines whether the Nuans report gonna work or not.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">
<strong>I have/need a domain name. Do I still need Nuans search?</strong><br>
Yes, you still need a Nuans report. Web domain searches determine whether a certain url is available or not. Many companies are active in Canada without a website. Moreover, domain name registration is under a different authority while business name registration is under Industry Canada and provincial corporate registries. Your business domain name can be different than your registered business name. Reserving a domain name, does not give any guarantee that such a business name will be approved by government. Therefore, ideally speaking, reserving a domain name is the next process after getting a business name approved. In our agency, you may order a Nuans report and domain together, so we can do these both works together to avoid miss-match of each of them.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">
<strong>I already did a google search. Do I still need a NUANS Report?</strong><br>
Yes. A google search is a general web search and only shows part of Canadian registered business who have online presence. A google search result does not represent a comprehensive search result from Canadian government’s corporate name database. Moreover, a NUANS search report has many other elements that are necessary to determine the name result, whereas a google search doesn’t have those elements.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">
<strong>What is the distinctive element in a company name?</strong><br>
The distinctive element of a corporate name is the element of a name that sets you apart from other similar businesses (e.g. Starbucks Coffee Shop). “Coffee Shop” does not distinguish itself in any way from other businesses in that industry, whereas “Starbucks” does and is considered the distinctive element. Made-up words are acceptable as distinctive elements, provided they do not conflict with others already registered.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">
<strong>What is the descriptive element in a company name?</strong><br>
The descriptive element of a corporate name is the part of the name that indicates the nature of the business of the company (e.g. Starbuck Coffee Shop). The descriptive element can be specific such as "Coffee Shop", or it can be more general, such as "Enterprises".</p>